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. d e p a r t u r e .

・ ✦ sponsored credits

OUTFIT: Sabrina Bodysuit - Arm Cuffs - Leg Straps (all Fatpacks sold separately)

HAIR - Noelle (Fatpack)

BODY TATTOO - Enya Cybertech with 3D Shine (Fatpack) @ Mainframe

FACE TECH/EYE MAKEUP - Nighter Face Set (Fatpack)

EYES - Edgerunner Eyes (Fatpack)

SKIN - Lumi Skin + Dainty Body Skin (Mannequin)

CLEAVAGE - Petite Cleavage (Fatpack)

other credits:

Arm: Wraith - Bionic Arm (Shop & Hop 300L store credit)

Crystal Heart: Soleil et Lune - Magitech Implant

Lipstick: Lempika - # 19 (500L store credit)

[ using Lelutka / Legacy Perky Petite ]

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