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s t r i c t . m a c h i n e

wonderful, electric.

・ ✦ sponsored credits ・゚


Cynful - What a Beach Bikini Set (Lavender)

- Polyester/Shiny/Ombre versions included


Cynful - What a Beach Bodychain

- includes 20+ chain/20+ pendant/8 metal colors

- can show/hide different parts


BONDI - Delta Sunglasses (Grayscale pack)

- includes 5 frame/10 lens/6 metal colors

- 7 combo packs available + fatpack


Effervescence - Zaara 3D Tattoo (Black - Fresh)

- BOM (upper/lower/EvoX)

- optional 3D appliers

(added body wires, not included in tattoo)


[serenity] - Lulu Lips (pack B)

- 3 assorted packs available / each hud includes 12 colors

other credits:

- Hair: enVOGUE - Cassandra

- Earrings: Phy.Ka - Grace Earrings (group gift)

- Gloves/Rings: Phy.Ka - Queen Latex Gloves

- Fur Coat: Rosary - Bougie Heaux

- Nails: Rosary

[ using Lelutka / Legacy Perky Petite]

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